If there is one area of ambivalence surrounding birth, it’s the epidural. This grey area is widespread because countless women whose birth plan was to go “drug-free” are disappointed when they […]
In recent years there has been more awareness about postpartum depression. Thanks to brave women in the public bringing attention to the issue like Drew Barrymore and Hayden Panettiere, as […]
November is Prematurity Awareness Month and November 17 is World Prematurity Day. In an effort to raise awareness about the serious risks of premature birth, March of Dimes set out […]
This may shock you… but labor is not the portrayal you see in the movies *gasp*! Labor progresses in stages and each stage can take time, or go fast. In terms […]
Preparing for a birth, especially a first birth, is important. This is why many first time parents attend classes, read books and brace themselves with the knowledge of what to expect […]