
February 10, 2016

What’s the Deal on the Morning-After Pill?

Oh no. Something went wrong with your birth control, and now you wonder: Could I be pregnant? For whatever reason, you do not want to be pregnant right now. It’s not […]
March 10, 2016

So Mothers Can Sleep: An Unsung Benefit of Breastfeeding

What’s the advice that practically everyone gives every new mother? Sleep while the baby sleeps.  Yet, take a survey of mothers and grandmothers, and chances are they will all admit […]
March 31, 2016

When Copper Could Be Golden: Pros & Cons of the Non-Hormonal IUD

When opting for an IUD (intra-uterine device) birth control method, most women choose a hormonal version.  At the same time, a certain percentage of women (currently about 5-10% in our […]
April 12, 2016

Is Estrogen Cream Your Solution?

When you hear the word “estrogen,” what is your first thought? Hormone? Women? Right. Estrogens are the hormones most associated with the female reproduction system. There are a three types […]
April 13, 2016

Cooties They Are Not: How to Reduce the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Many women come into our practice either having contracted a sexually transmitted infection (STI), or worried about contracting one. Some STIs (previously known as STDs, or sexually transmitted diseases) are curable, […]