
January 30, 2021

Self Care Practices to Fight Quarantine Winter Blues

The cold winter months are often accompanied by feelings of sadness, fatigue, and loneliness, and COVID-19 has made them no easier to deal with due to the isolation of lockdowns […]
February 15, 2021

Best Decisions to Make for Good Vaginal Health

It’s common knowledge to take care of the area down there, but not everyone actually practices good hygiene and health practices. Get on track to better vaginal health by making these smart decisions.
February 26, 2021

Why You Should Start Every Morning with Stretching

Stretching is a natural action, but taking time to stretch daily with purpose can provide lasting health effects that will make you feel even healthier.
April 15, 2021

How Spring Cleaning Benefits Your Health

Many regard their annual spring cleaning as a chore, but this action can have many health benefits, especially when completed as a regular activity. Here’s how you can improve your mental and physical health through this kind of cleaning.
July 17, 2021

Tips for Staying Cool This Summer

With summer now in full swing, the heat can often make it difficult to enjoy life. Here are some tips on how to cool down and make the most of the summer.