
March 17, 2021

How to Deal with Fluctuating Hormones as You Age

While some might look forward to getting older, for many, it is a difficult time as your body adjusts to changes brought on by unstable hormone levels. Here are some ways you can deal with these changes.
March 29, 2021

How to Combat Vaginal Dryness

A common source of discomfort for women is vaginal dryness, which can be caused by many different factors. Read more to find out steps you can take to relieve this pain and prevent these symptoms in the future.
April 15, 2021

How Spring Cleaning Benefits Your Health

Many regard their annual spring cleaning as a chore, but this action can have many health benefits, especially when completed as a regular activity. Here’s how you can improve your mental and physical health through this kind of cleaning.
April 23, 2021

At-Home Hair Removal Do’s and Don’ts

From razors to lasers, and everything in between, hair removal has become a common practice for both women and men. As more choose at-home methods, here are some things you should know before you try them for yourself.
May 3, 2021

Essential Things to Know About Stretch Marks and Cellulite

While cellulite and stretch marks are typically viewed as a reminder of age, there is much that women should know today to better understand these common and natural conditions and their causes.