School’s in Session: Prenatal Classes

Whether you are a first-time mother-to-be or a parent already, our prenatal classes can help you build confidence as you prepare to meet your new little one.  

Even if you are a seasoned parent who has had more than one child, each pregnancy is unique.  Plus, it never hurts to have a refresher on various techniques and methods you may choose during labor and delivery. Prenatal classes can be a great resource.  You’ll have a chance to meet the staff, learn about various birthing options and strategies, and meet other parents, too.

Along with the basic curriculum outlined below, our classes offer our expecting parents a guided tour of Baptist Hospital. As you get ready for labor and delivery, it helps to be prepared and informed about where to go when it’s time! 

Prenatal Class Curriculum:

  • What is a nurse midwife? An overview about the role of a nurse who is trained as a midwife, who can help coach you through every phase of pregnancy and delivery
  • Discussion about various breathing methods and posture techniques including Lamaze, Bradley, Hypno-birthing, et cetera to help you decide which to incorporate during labor and delivery
  • The role of a doula, a non-medical professional who can provide additional emotional support during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and help ease the transition with a new baby
  • Explanation of your obstetrics visits 
  • What to expect during the second half of pregnancy, including common discomforts, how to prepare for labor, and how to know it’s time to get to the hospital.
    • The process of labor and what to expect during the delivery experience
    • The meaning and indications for labor induction
    • Vaginal versus C-Section delivery 
    • Easing your labor and delivery through pain management, both natural and medicinal, including overview of the epidural procedure
    • Care of your newborn (led by a local pediatrician when schedule permits)


  • Breastfeeding 


  • Returning to normal: physically, emotionally, and sexually

When Should I take Prenatal Classes?

We advise mothers who are 24-34 weeks into their pregnancy to consider this course.  We welcome up to ten mothers (and a partner guest) per class. Lunch, course materials, and a hospital tour are included with the cost of registration.  

Our caring staff uses prenatal classes to walk you through a variety of topics designed to give you an overview of key issues. Our goal is to prepare you to go into your birthing process informed and empowered. 

For more information, class dates, and to register, please visit us at