As we’re winding down the year, we took a look back at the blog posts that were found to be most helpful to our readers. Take a look and review or catch up here, with our top 10 blog posts from 2016.
We know exercise is important for us, but when we find ourselves swamped with the responsibilities of our everyday lives – all the to-dos tend to trump exercise on our list of priorities. One of the reasons that this happens is because we feel like we have to clear a big chunk of time out of our schedules in order to get in a good, sweat-inducing workout. But this is not necessarily the case – while 30-60 minute workouts are beneficial, even 10 minute workouts can help you stay fit. Here are some ideas of what you can do to incorporate at least 10 minutes of exercise into our daily routine.
It’s hard to watch our children in pain, especially as they grow up and it starts to feel like there is less and less we can do to help them. But when it comes to painful menstruation, or dysmenorrhea, there is something you can do. Here are helpful tips we suggest to teenage girls experiencing – literally – rough periods in their lives.
Pap smear, Pap smear test, Pap test… whatever you call it, it usually makes women cringe momentarily. We’ll give it to you straight—it’s not a fun procedure, and for some it can be a bit painful, so we totally understand the knee jerk reaction! But in the spirit of giving it to you straight, we’ll also tell you that this short procedure could very well end up saving your life!
Pap smears are used to screen for abnormalities in the cervix. Read more about why this test is a very important part of preventative health care for women here.
Birth control is a forever hot topic discussion. There are so many options and individual patient needs that need to be weighed and measured to see what’s best for you. If you’re looking for a long term option ask your doctor about Nexplanon, It works for up to three years and has advantages that might be better for you than the IUD route, diaphragm-plus-spermicide method and continuous hormonal birth control methods. Read more about Nexplanon here.
Many women come into our practice either having contracted a sexually transmitted infection (STI), or worried about contracting one. Some STIs (previously known as STDs, or sexually transmitted diseases) are curable, others are not. In any case, the only surefire means of prevention is abstinence, and since most people will not be sexually abstinent in the long-term, everyone needs to be aware about risk reduction for STIs. Read more here, to learn more about what you can do to reduce the risk of STIs
A women’s body goes through different stages throughout her life, and each stage requires a different set of health care practices and doctors. From early adolescence when a young woman’s body if first adjusting to her menstrual cycles, to eating right through pregnancy, to taking extra precautions against osteoporosis and heart disease, staying informed of best health practices is crucial at every age. While there are some health concerns that women will outgrow over time, there is one doctor that should remain in each woman’s life, no matter her age; her gynecologist. Here’s why…
Infertility isn’t rare, yet seeking help can be a scary step. Couples who are having trouble conceiving and/or holding a healthy pregnancy, might not know what to expect when seeking medical assistance. Here’s an overview of what you might encounter from an initial infertility screening program.
Until about two years ago, women suffering from vaginal dryness had pretty much only one option available: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT).While effective for some women, HRT comes along with its own risks and side effects. Fortunately, there is an alternative to HRT – MonaLisa Touch, a virtually painless in-office procedure that was approved by the FDA in 2014 (though it has been used outside of the US since 2008). MonaLisa Touch is a hormone replacement therapy alternative that uses laser energy to generate new collagen, increase moisture levels, and stimulate a healing response in the vaginal canal, and best of all – it heals without any dangerous side effects. Read more about MonaLisa Touch here.
One of the big lessons young parents learn is that with children comes the unplanned, and that lessons starts from the time you conceive! We can’t plan the time of birth. Even a scheduled c-section might be preempted by contractions starting, or could be delayed. What we can do, of course, is to be as prepared as possible. One major way to prepare is to pack The Bag. That is, the hospital bag. Here are some tips for what to include…
We complete our top 10 blog list with another 10. Ten things to be grateful for – yes, we know it’s a Thanksgiving blog, but we think being grateful is good practice year round! Here are some unique gifts that any woman (or anyone who loves a woman) can be grateful for every day of the year!
Here’s to a happy, healthy, and meaningful year ahead from all of us at Miami Center of Excellence for Obstetrics and Gynecology.