How to Include a 10 Minute Workout Into Your Daily Routine

You don’t need to wait until New Years to get back on track with exercising, it’s always a good time to include a 10 minute workout in your daily routine. If anything getting ahead of making it a resolution may help make it stick! 

After all, we know making physical activity a regular part of daily life is beneficial year round for both physical and emotional health, yet is one of the harder things to accomplish. Up there with a good sleep schedule, a proper skin care routine at night, eating a balanced breakfast – not to mention the BIG responsibilities like work, home, family, bills… wow, see how quickly exercise strayed from the top of the priority list?

One of the reasons that happens is because we feel like we have to clear a big chunk of time out of our schedules in order to get in a good, sweat-inducing workout. But this is not necessarily the case – while 30-60 minute workouts are beneficial, even 10 minute workouts can help you stay fit.

But what can you really do in 10 minutes? And how can you make it part of your daily routine? Here are some ideas:

Get Friends and Family Involved

Spending time with friends is an important element to a well-balanced life, and like exercise, it’s hard to find time to do. So why not combine the two – socializing and exercise? Schedule daily walks with friends or ask a co-worker if they’d like to join you for quick ten minute walk out of the hour long lunch break.

You can also combine spending time with your kids and exercise. Having a dance party for 10 minutes or playing basketball outside can be a great workout for you and for them – plus, it’s fun!

Exercise While You Watch Television

Who doesn’t love staring at a screen and being entertained after a long day? Whether your binge-watching the latest Netflix series, or just staring at the television and zoning out for half an hour, do it while you’re on a treadmill or stationary bike. The movements are rhythmic and with the entertainment right in front of you, time will pass quickly. And there’s a bonus here since exercise can help you sleep better, making it part of your downtime at night means a better night’s sleep and more energy for the next day.

Pitch an Employee Wellness Program at Work

This one might be hard to pull off, but with a raised awareness of how healthy employees are better workers, it’s worth a shot. In fact, employee wellness programs are the latest in employee benefits. Use this to your advantage, and pitch a wellness program that includes exercise. The advantage is that this exercise can happen on company time, which means that you don’t have to worry about missing work in order to stay fit.

No one said that creating a time for exercise is easy, but everyone can agree that it’s worth it. The hardest part is getting into the mindset of making time to exercise – but once you do it a few times, it will turn into a habit and you won’t have to think about it. By the time you get to New Year’s 2018 the popular resolution to “commit to physical health” will already be in motion!