A UTI, Again?!?! Prevention Tips for Recurring Bladder Infections

UTI, Again?!?! Prevention Tips for Recurring Bladder Infections

If you suffer from recurring bladder infections, also known as chronic urinary tract infections, it’s time to take control. Not only do you deserve to enjoy your day to day without the pressured feeling of needing to urinate or the pain you experience when you do, but a recurring UTI can be your body’s way of telling you that there is a larger problem going on.

While you may think that a urinary tract infection is just about your bladder, taking a closer look at the process of urination will show you that the kidneys and ureters are important to look at as well.

Why? The kidneys filter your blood and generate urine, which your ureters then carry from your kidney to your bladder. From there your urethra carries the urine from your bladder to the outside of your body.

It is possible for a bladder infection to stay in the realm of your bladder and urethra, which is bothersome and an issue worth dealing with on its own, but the larger concern for recurring infections are the serious consequences to your health if your kidneys and/or ureters are suffering from the infection as well.

If you’ve had more than two bladder infections in the last six months, talk to your doctor about what tests are available for you to help with determining the underlying cause.

Treatment options range from medications to lifestyle changes.

General lifestyle changes include a number of do’s and don’ts:


    1. Use feminine hygiene sprays and douches
    2. Ignore nature’s call, urinate when your body tells you it needs to!
    3. Use a diaphragm or spermicides for birth control
    4. Wear thongs or underwear made of a material that traps moisture


      • Flush out your system by drinking plenty of water
      • Drink cranberry juice (the real stuff, not the sugary variety)
      • Urinate when you feel the need
      • Urinate as soon as you can after intercourse
      • Wipe from front to back, always! Even if you don’t move a bowel
      • Shower (instead of bathing)
      • Use a mild soap to clean your genital area
      • Wash your genital area before and after intercourse
      • Make sure you’re getting plenty of probiotics and vitamin C via diet or supplements (ideally both)
      • Wear cotton crotch underwear
      • Change up your sexual positions (yes, prevention can be fun!)

Since treatment via medication is highly personalized, it’s best to talk to your doctor about your specific condition and find out about medical options one on one. If your doctor prescribes you an antibiotic, you can also ask about what over-the-counter medications can help reduce the burning symptoms while waiting for the antibiotics to take effect.