Looking for Long-Lasting Birth Control? Check Out Nexplanon.

So you want to be on birth control – and this time, for a while. No immediate plans to have a baby, that’s for sure. So what are your options? Take a pill every.single.day – but if you miss a day, well, you’re no longer controlling those births. You could get an IUD, be it hormonal or not, but that’s pricey and might cause more bleeding for the first few months. Or you can go with the diaphragm-plus-spermicide method, but let’s face it – its mechanics curb spontaneity.  Another approach is to use a different, continuous hormonal birth control method – there are options for a week, a month, or even a three-month-long effect.

But get this.

There’s one birth control method. And it works for (drum roll, please)….up to…three years.

What? You must be kidding.

We are not.

It’s called the Nexplanon (a.k.a. Implanon). “Nexplanon” sounds like the “next planet,” as if it’s some far-off, space-age alternative, still sitting like a pie-in-the-sky in science fiction books. But like the smartphone, it’s no longer a dream, and will rest in the palm of your…well, actually, embedded into your upper arm. Its match-size implant is placed by your health practitioner, and once it’s in, Nexplanon continually releases progestin in order to prevent pregnancy.

For up to three years

You can finish your degree without a routine concern about birth control.  You can space your kids. You can really focus on your new job. Or you can enjoy being in a long-term relationship, or no relationship, or anything in between, without that to worry about.


Nexplanon has side effects to consider, some of which go away within a few months for those who qualify to have it. However, you cannot use Nexplanon if you smoke, or have any the following: any chance of being pregnant; a history of blood clotting, liver disease or tumor; unexplained vaginal bleeding; breast cancer or any other cancer sensitive to progestin; allergies to any Nexplanon ingredients. In addition, you’ll need to speak to your doctor further if you have diabetes, high cholesterol or triglycerides, headaches, gallbladder or kidney problems, history of depressed mood, high blood pressure, or allergy to anesthetics or antiseptics.

Next Steps    

So, you’ve read about the side effects, and you’re still interested in the Nexplanon? Contact us to make an appointment to discuss whether Nexplanon is the best birth control method for you. In the meantime, be sure you’re protected by some other effective birth control.